Monday, October 17, 2016


Recently I purchased a new bird feeder and some "non-sprouting" bird seed.  It has worked to attract my beloved Blue Jay, Beau and some other amazing wild birds as well and has brought me lots of happiness since I installed it this spring.  I really love wild birds, they remind me of so many of lives lessons.....but this bird seed...this "non-sprouting" bird seed I paid extra for just because it would not sprout in my sprouted like no other seed I've seen before!

The birds didn't like it as much once it sprouted so I spread it along the ground and now the Pigeons are taking care of the mess.  But this bird seed made me think....if it can sprout "again all odds" why can't any of us?  If Beau can deal with the mob like Pigeon crew I have here and keep coming back for more, what excuse do you have?

Sprouting is such a great word for growth I think, it feels new and fresh.  Like you can start at any time!  So far in my life I have learned that once you know the time is right, when you know it in your gut, sprouting is so rewarding and not scary like people make it out to be....what's scary is staying in your little pod where someone told you to be.  Doing what someone told you to do, even though it does not soothe your soul.  Being who you or someone thinks you should be, even though it makes you smaller.   

This I know for sure:  You cannot get what you do not ask for, you cannot have what you do not strive for and you cannot get anywhere in if you are not willing to leave the seed.  Even if you don't feel like you are meant to sprout you are, every seed is regardless of where it has been or what it has done or had done to it.  When I really grasped that it changed so much for me and helped me to grow into the sprout I am today, still very much a work in process but so much more free and in such a bigger mode of growth.  I can see the flower in the future and it's SO worth the struggle today whatever that may be.  Can you?